Exercise at school harm children; find out why many professionals have a negative attitude towards physical education and what teachers do wrong to children in such lessons. People of the older generation remember that all the students in the class attended physical education and followed various standards as much as possible. At the same time, it does not matter how the children handled this lesson or the personality of the sports teacher. Today the situation has changed and many school children are trying to get certificates that exempt them from physical education.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that children today look weak and clumsy. They spend a lot of time in front of a computer or tablet, instead of living an active lifestyle. Of course, there are many exceptions to this rule. However, current developments should be alarming. In this context, the question of why physical education in schools is harmful to children becomes important to exercise at school.
Are there any benefits to exercise at school?
Of course, the reason is that many school children are exempt from physical education and are completely dependent on their parents, who take the “fake” certificates. Often the reason for this is not a fear of the child’s health, but, for example, academic achievement. Agree, this is a completely wrong approach.
At the same time, many parents are well aware that their child needs to be active. The second is that sometimes teachers demand of the children that they have to meet the criteria and the senior ones do that. Not all children are capable of this and the question is whether it is necessary. The task of physical education in schools is first and foremost to improve the health of children and not to set records. For this, there are sports sections where coaches coach future champions.
Thus, the painful condition of modern children is primarily the parents’ own fault. Some of them may even encourage the offspring to stay in front of the computer or television for a long time. They are sure it’s better to leave him at home than something happened to him on the street.
Unfortunately, many people start thinking about health only at the moment when it is already too late. However, the problem we have considered is not the only one. Today, more and more people are talking about the need to change the school curriculum for physical education. It is on this aspect that the main emphasis must be placed. The question of why physical education in schools is fundamentally harmful to children should not be raised. Physical education teachers must first and foremost focus not on meeting a specific standard but on the child’s progress. Some children are naturally phlegmatic and it is quite obvious that they will not be able to, run fast. Today, everyone is sure that something needs to be done and it remains to be decided exactly. Some propose lowering standards, others advocate for more hours of physical culture.
The last question is very relevant from the point of view of raising a healthy generation. Everyone understands well that health under the influence of exercise can only be enhanced if they are regular and moderate in terms of cues. Opponents of increasing the number of classes claim that in rare schools today there is a good basis for this step.
Many parents are convinced that physical education should be discontinued at school because the child can be sent to the sports department. However, not everyone has such an opportunity, and experts constantly remind us of this. They believe that only schooling can instill in children a love of exercise. But in practice, children often do not seek this.
Exercise at school- what is the harm
This section will present information obtained through a survey among famous coaches. We have already said that today many people understand the need to change the school’s physical education program. Perhaps the opinion of a professional coach will help to determine why physical education at school is harmful to children.
Lack of personal closets for clothes and items
Today, a lesson for children is not a way of emotional release, but the need to have an additional package of sportswear. In addition, you have to carry this burden all day long because not everyone lives near the school. Here one immediately remembers American films, which show unique lockers for each student. Our children have to carry everything with them.
Simultaneous lessons in several categories
Often due to congestion in schools, the program is set in such a way that two or more classes have to teach sports at the same time. It is almost impossible to keep track of 40-50 children. It is quite obvious that there will be no benefit from such activities.
Lack of locker room
In some schools, changing rooms are set aside for small rooms, which are also not adequately ventilated. As a result, some children change clothes in the bathroom. Agree, this situation is simply unacceptable.
Impossible to take a shower
Physical education involves a lot of sweating. After that, you have to visit the shower, but in most schools, it simply does not exist or it does not work. Let us not forget that the usual change simply cannot be enough to take a shower and get you completely fine. For example, girls need to dry long hair, which takes time. It’s easier for the boys in this regard. American movies come to mind again.
Compliance with standards
Every eleven years of schooling, children meet the standards for the same sport. In addition, many say that they are too average and that different methods of defining them are needed.
Unread program
Agree, that after passing the standards in the cross-section, it is difficult to rebuild for exams in mathematics or another subject. A hot and unwashed child can often not show everything he can during exams in the same physics. Note that teachers rarely go to meetings in such situations and the post-cross test is not performed.
Lack of equipment for winter activities
In winter, weather permitting, physical education should be held outside. However, there is simply no equipment for this in many schools, and parents are forced to buy skis, and more than once, because their children are growing up. However, there is another problem here. Let’s say the parents bought their child winter sports equipment. Agree, carrying skis to school twice a week is not an option! It is not possible to leave them at school as no one is responsible for personal belongings.
Lack of inventory
Problems with sports equipment are extremely urgent. Forget the winter for a while, but there are often not enough basketballs or rugs! Problems with supplies are typical of many schools and this issue must be directed to the higher government, all the way to the country’s leadership.
The third Exercise at school – is necessary or unnecessary
When it was decided to increase the number of hours in physical education, it was planned to make one-third of the lesson specialized. For example, girls do aerobics. And the boys play football. In fact, everything has remained the same – all lessons are conducted in the same way.
Low teacher education
Many problems are related to this issue. The physical education teacher should arouse the interest of children and make the lessons as interesting as possible. Only in this case will most of the questions, including why physical education at school harms children, disappear. Here again, I want to draw your attention to American schools. Physical education in them is significantly different from ours. The popularity of college sports in the United States is not even worth mentioning. Students’ basketball league games are often as popular as NBA games. The situation is similar to the country’s school title.

Why has school teaching changed?
After several deaths in physical education at the school, changes were made to the lessons. All children now have to take the Rufier test. According to its results, students are divided into three groups:
- The main one.
- Specialized
- preparation
The standards must only be given to the kids in the main group. The children who ended up in the preparatory group education along with the main ones do not have to meet the standards. The teacher evaluates them primarily on the basis of theoretical knowledge.
But the special group is a participant, especially in accordance with a specially developed program that corresponds to their gym. Unfortunately, not every school has a practical opportunity to organize specialized groups, and children come to the main lesson and help the teacher with the distribution of equipment and other organizational matters.
We have already noted that with the improvement of physical education in schools, the number of lessons was increased (from two to three) and the standards were simplified. For example, earlier in the fifth grade it was necessary to perform 11 arm bends to get a plan of 12 points, but now there are only six. We do not want to say that this is bad, because not all kids reached the previous standards. It is quite obvious that today it has become easier to do this.
However, the question is different – only about half of the school children, according to test results, fall into the main group. At the same time, we talked about the decision of some parents to take “fake” certificates so that their child would not meet the standards. Specialists in the field of pediatrics believe that it is impossible to restrict the activities of children artificially. If there are grounds for this then the situation is different.
It is necessary to worry about the health of children if they are often short of breath and powerless. At the same time, doctors today are noticing that the health of the younger generation is deteriorating, and the need for adequate distribution of stress is becoming apparent. Doctors believe that moderate stress is essential for our bodies. Only in this way can an individual develop emotionally, physically, and mentally. Children should find time for exercise, video games, sports, and even a little prank. Imagine a child who does not attend the sports department and at the same time does not teach sports at school.
As a result, Exercise at school is deprived of special relationships, without which it is difficult to develop normally. Sports and competitions have been a part of society throughout human history. All nations held various competitions where the best were determined. Such isolation of the child will certainly have a negative effect on his psychological-emotional development.