What to do if you sweat during exercise?

Find out why you sweat a lot scientifically when you exercise actively. Is this the norm, or is it worth seeking medical attention and starting to take action? Excessive sweating during exercise is a normal reaction of the body to a rise in body temperature. Thanks to this process, the overheating of our body is eliminated and the internal temperature is normal. In addition, the sweating process is accelerated at high ambient temperatures. If a similar condition arises for no apparent reason, then this may be a symptom of a disease in the work of the sweat glands and temperature-controlled systems. The subject of this article is exercise sweat: causes, tips, and warnings.

Causes of increased sweating during exercise

Sweat is secreted by special glands that are on the surface of the skin and it contains urea, toxins, mineral salts, ammonia, and metabolic products. Let’s look at the main causes of increased sweating:

  • Disorders of the endocrine system that occur during puberty and menopause, as well as diabetes, toxic warfare, obesity, and hypothyroidism.
  • Psychological and neuropsychological diseases.
  • Diseases of the peripheral blood vessels and nerves.
  • Diseases of an infectious nature, are accompanied by changes in body temperature.
  • Cardiovascular pathology.
  • Certain cancers.
  • Congenital abnormalities in temperature control.
  • Acute or chronic poisoning with alcohol, drugs, or substances.
  • Food poisoning.

Rapid sweating is often an indication of a person’s psychological-emotional state. This is due to the body’s response to stress and the active production of adrenaline. You must remember that increased sweating during exercise (its causes, tips, and warnings) is often individual. It is advisable in such a situation to seek the advice of a specialist and undergo an examination to get a detailed idea of ​​the processes that take place in the body.

What could be the reason for increased sweating?

The body can normally function only at a certain temperature. Because external conditions are constantly changing, thanks to special methods, the body can control body temperature. In addition, this system works with certain efficiency, on an indicator that the normal operation of all systems follows.

Body temperature is influenced by various internal and external factors. But since during normal use it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature, nature has created a temperature-controlled system. All the tissues of our body have special receptors that monitor temperature changes. The information received about changes in the temperature of the external and internal environment through the spinal cord is transmitted to the brain.

The main sections of the temperature control are located in the hypothalamus. Remember that this part of the brain is the main regulator of all the vegetation processes in our body. The body’s response to temperature fluctuations can vary depending on the irritation of the hypothalamus. One of the methods of temperature control is the sweating process.

Symptoms of excessive sweating

It should be borne in mind that increased sweating during exercise (reasons, tips, and warnings that we are considering today) may be local or ubiquitous. In places with increased sweating, the skin is often moist and cool to the touch. If there are problems with peripheral blood flow, then the feet and hands may turn bluish.

Often, the symptoms of excessive sweating are symptoms of the development of skin diseases of an infectious or fungal nature. The sweat itself is odorless. The unpleasant odor that occurs during excessive sweating is the result of the work of bacteria that live on the skin and are nourished by the body’s secretions.

However, this statement is not always true and odor may be related to the excretion of certain substances. Rarely can sweat even have any color and this phenomenon appears in people who work in dangerous conditions in chemical plants.

Sweating in various parts of the body: Causes, tips, and warnings


For some people, excessive sweating in the armpits can be a serious problem. This is especially true in hot weather, and in some situations, you may even need to consult a specialist. Now you will find out what this is all about.

As we discussed earlier, sweating is a normal physiological process in which the body controls body temperature and metabolic reactions. Along with sweat, fluids and minerals are discarded. During the hot season or during strenuous exercise, this should be considered a normal reaction of the body to external conditions.

The sweating process can also be accelerated during stress or in emotional rashes and disturbances in the work of temperature-controlled arrangements. People who suffer from excessive sweating should not only pay attention to the amount of sweat, but also the smell. It is possible that to solve the problem, it is enough to change the nutritional plan and reduce the prayer food and alcohol. At the same time, increased sweating may indicate the presence of more serious diseases in the body.


This is a very common phenomenon and the problem can be solved in part by following the rules of personal hygiene. However, in a situation where the problem does not affect a particular person, but also the people around him, the issue turns out to be more serious. In the presence of prolonged excessive sweating of the legs, the process is usually accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor. This fact is due to the fact that a large number of sweat glands are on the skin of the feet.

When they believe that external conditions are unfavorable (uncomfortable shoes, long walks, etc.), they start working in active mode. If the access of air to the legs is limited at the same time, the bacteria begin to multiply actively and the gas released from them in the process of important activity gives off a sweat-repellent odor. With excessive sweating on the feet and especially between the toes, small cracks can appear. In such a situation it is worth seeking the help of a specialist.


If increased sweating in the body is associated with exercise then there is nothing to worry about. But when this happens for no good reason, for example, clothes getting wet at rest or an unpleasant odor coming from the body, we recommend that you consult a doctor for a medical examination. Here are some of the main reasons for heavy sweating:

  • Genetic factors – innate characteristics of the body and its thermoregulatory system.
  • Diseases – increased sweating can accompany the development of various diseases.

If the process of excessive sweating on the body has begun, the temperature should be measured first. This will allow the diagnosis of infectious or cold illnesses. If the body temperature after this procedure turned out to be normal, then perhaps everything is in disruption by the hormonal system. To determine the exact cause of the pathology, you must visit a doctor.


Excessive sweating on the scalp is the most noticeable sweating. This phenomenon is possible not only during physical exertion but also under normal circumstances. However, this condition has physiological explanations. The appearance of excessive sweating on the forehead is usually caused by stressful situations.

This usually happens to shy people. In this case, excessive sweating is the body’s response to severe irritation of the nervous system. Another reason for excessive sweating on the scalp can be a problem with the work of the sweat glands or any temperature-controlled arrangement. Similar conditions are possible with metabolic disorders or after traumatic brain injury.

Increased sweating at night

People often complain that they sweat a lot at night. This is not about the work of the vegetation system. Here are the main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Tuberculosis – is a disease of an infectious nature that can affect some systems and organs and one of its symptoms is excessive sweating at night.
  • Lymphogranulomotosis – is a disease caused by cancer affecting the lymph nodes. In addition to excessive sweating at night, an increase in the size of the peripheral lymph nodes may also indicate its presence.
  • AIDS – Night sweats are just one of many symptoms.
  • Thyroid problems – affect the functioning of the entire endocrine system, which can lead to increased night sweats.
  • Obesity and diabetes – metabolic diseases.

Note that women may also experience night sweats during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but this is not an anomaly.

Sweat during exercise
Sweat during exercise

Excessive sweating in women and men

This phenomenon in women can have many causes and high ambient temperature is just one of them. Excessive sweating usually indicates a violation of the hormonal system and can appear at different times, for example during adolescence, menopause, pregnancy, etc. The cause is usually high estrogen. Sweat in large quantities can appear on different parts of the body and at the same time, redness of the face and attacks of heat are possible.

If you are sure that the reason is not a change in the hormonal cycle, then you should consult an endocrinologist to get an examination of the disorders of the endocrine system. Often, even an insignificant hormonal adjustment can solve all the problems. Excessive sweating can be considered normal and does not require consultation with a specialist.

In men, increased sweating can also be linked to the hormonal system. Certain amounts of estrogen are necessary for the male body and they are entrusted with important functions. However, the concentration of female hormones leads to a decrease in the rate of testosterone production. It is this fact that often becomes the cause of excessive sweating. We recommend that you consult a doctor to diagnose the causes of the symptoms.


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