Shoulder training; how can I be at home? A set of exercises at home for pumping big shoulders. Practical advice from professional bodybuilders. Pumped muscles in the shoulder girdle can visually make the back wider and give the image the appearance of the English letter “V.” This is exactly what a male figure should be, according to the concepts of the ideal of beauty developed in our society. At the same time, should pay attention to the development of muscles in the shoulder girdle, not only in boys but also in girls. It will make the shape of the female body clearer and more even.
Most girls don’t want big muscles, which is understandable but impossible. Women are often afraid to overstrain their strengths and do not realize that this is impossible without the use of sports medicine due to the physiological characteristics of the female body. At the same time, when training muscles in the shoulder girdle, girls can focus on isolated exercises that do not allow them to gain muscle mass. Use a small weight in this case. After reading this article, you will understand how to build shoulders at home.
Practical shoulder training for the muscles
The most effective movements for pumping this muscle group can be divided into presses and swings. All pushing movements are bare, and swinging movements are classified as isolated. You can push while standing or sitting. For this purpose, you can press the shells from the chest or the back of the head using helicopters or dumbbells. You can also use exercise equipment.
The flap movements aim to develop a specific part of the deltas and are performed at a slow speed. To use the middle part of the delts, it is necessary to lift sports equipment in front of you. The hindquarters are active when they swing to the sides when the body is tilted forward.
For the lesson to be as practical as possible, it should start with performing presses and then move on to swinging movements. This system is the most effective since weighty weights are used when pushing. At the beginning of the lesson, the athlete has maximum intensity. When the energy ends, you can move on to lighter movements which should arrange swings. It is worth remembering for anyone who wants to know how to build shoulders at home.
How to build shoulder training principles
The muscles of this group are actively working with almost every hand movement. Deltas are usually divided into three parts: front, back, and middle. It should be kept in mind that there are no exercises that can simultaneously involve all the departments of the deltas. Create an exercise program individually for your workouts to be as effective as possible.
We will inform everyone who wants to know how to build shoulders at home – it is advisable to use weights for this purpose. Even such a simple exercise as a “shrug” with dumbbells in hand will be very effective, especially for beginners. It’s no secret that men pay special attention to training the shoulder girdle muscles and arms. However, girls should also work on these muscles.
First of all, this is because all summer, the hands of the girls are in sight, and it will not be possible to hide fat bumps with all the desire. To get rid of them, you should pay attention to training this muscle group.

The most effective shoulder training at home
Fitness experts recommend starting with a workout plan that you must follow carefully. Each lesson lasts at least 30 minutes for girls and about 45 minutes for men. It is pretty enough for women to use dumbbells weighing 2.5 kilograms. Still, for boys, you should buy collapsible sports equipment so that they can continue the load.
It is essential to warm up well before each class to protect yourself from injury. To do this, you will not need more than ten minutes. For the shoulder girdle muscles to look beautiful against the background of the hands, you also need to pump the biceps. This reminder applies to girls, as men certainly do not forget about the muscles of the arms. Now let’s look at exercises that will help you answer the question of how to build shoulders at home.
- Presses behind the head. The exercise aims to develop the middle and front deltas, as well as the triceps. We immediately note that this movement is traumatic for the joints and should not be performed at the beginning of the lesson. Take a standing or sitting position with a straight grip. In this case, the forearms should be parallel to each other. Lower the shot on the trapeze and then lift it.
- The press of the army. The exercise aims to develop the middle and front deltas. Raise the bar to your chest by lowering your elbows. Begin to lift the shot but fully straighten the elbow joints.
- Dumbbells are thin to the sides in a standing position. The exercise aims to develop the middle part of the elements. Sometimes novice athletes swing their bodies when performing this movement, which is not worth doing. Otherwise, it will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Take the shells in your hands, stretch them in front of you and bend the elbow joint slightly. Begin by spreading your arms to your sides and lifting them to your shoulder joints.
- Lift weights in front of you. The exercise aims to develop the anterior deltas. However, you can skip this movement if you have already performed the military press. Hold the shells with your elbows slightly bent, extending them in front of you. From this position, start lifting weights overhead.
- Weights are placed in an inclined position. The exercise aims to develop the rear. This movement will answer your question about how to build shoulders at home. It is the only exercise that can maximize the load on the back. Therefore, you will be able to expand your shoulders. It is necessary to perform the movement at a slow speed, pausing at the extreme position of the track. Take the shells in your hand and lean your body forward at a 45-degree angle. Hands are in front of you. From this position, extend your arms to your sides.
- Pull the bar towards the chin. The exercise aims to develop the anterior deltas and the trapezius. To maximize stress on the deltas, should use a wide grip. Take a standing position and hold the bar down with your arms outstretched. From this position, lift the shot to the chin, but spread the elbow joints to the sides.
- Barbell Row towards the chest. The exercise aims to develop the anterior deltas. For maximum comfort, while performing the activity, you can do it on the Smith machine. Unfortunately, this sports equipment is unavailable at home. Still, it is worth knowing about if you decide to start visiting the gym. From a technical point of view, the movement is similar to the previous one. Still, the shot rises only to the level of the chest.
- Push-ups. Although this exercise is primarily aimed at developing the chest, the shoulder girdle muscles are also worked. It is perfect for beginners who have almost no muscle mass. Suppose you are going to use a narrow arm position. Then shift the focus of the load to the front. The wider the arms are, the more active the pectoral muscles are, and the central parts also participate in the work.
- Dips on the uneven bars. When you perform this movement, the shoulder girdle muscles only work during the negative phase of the campaign, or more simply, when you return to the starting position. To pump deltas, you need to lower your body, raise only 10-15 centimeters, and then lower again.
- Pull up for the head, wide grip. This move is great for pumping the lats, but the deltas work too. You should not go down deep to emphasize the load on the shoulder girdle muscles, as in the last movement.
Here are the exercises that give a detailed answer to how to build shoulders at home. From this, you can create an effective training program that will help you achieve your goals.