Muscles ache: What to do when all your muscles ache?

Muscles ache; find out how to get rid of lactic acid quickly after a hard workout. Practical advice from the iron sports expert. After training, the muscles can work for a few days. At the same time, painful feelings can arise in various ways and in some cases can be very difficult to train as the muscles do not want to contract. Today we will learn about all types of pain and understand what to do if your muscles are very sore after exercise. First of all, frequent post-workout pain occurs in beginners and those athletes who started time again after a long break.

What to do when all your muscles ache?

Muscle pain is the result of scar tissue damage. According to research results, after training, the location of myofibrils in the cells is disturbed and the mitochondria also disintegrate. All this leads to an increase in the concentration of leukocytes, which is characteristic of inflammatory processes and injuries.

After the destruction of tissue fibers, protein residues are formed and this stimulates the production of lysosomes and phagocytes. The function of these cells is to remove damaged tissue fibers. The waste products of these cellular structures cause pain. At the same time, damaged fibers form satellite cells that accelerate the production of protein in muscle tissue.

Surely everyone knows that the most painful feelings are after the first lesson and then they almost do not feel. But if you take a long break from teaching, the pain will return after the training has resumed.

After training in the body, the protein production rate increases, creatine phosphate accumulates and the concentration of enzymatic glycolysis processes increases, and their activity increases. In other words, the more you exercise, the greater the concentration of creatine phosphate, and the concentration of the glycolysis process increases. This leads to the fact that at a certain moment it becomes difficult to get energy for the muscles to work, and then completely impossible.

Types of muscles ache pain after training

In order to better understand what to do if your muscles are very sore after training, you need to learn to distinguish between the fighting emotions that arise. Pain can be of different types and now we will talk about it.

Moderate after exercise. These painful feelings appear a few days after exercise and can be characterized as strong due to muscle contraction. They appear after long breaks in the classroom and with beginners. If the pain is constant and does not go away for a long time, this may indicate that you are using too much stress. Do not rush to gain weight so that the muscles, ligaments, and nervous system have time to develop at the same time. If you still feel a lot of pain before the next lesson, do a light workout.

Pain-related to trauma. You will not confuse these painful feelings with anything. They are acute and appear immediately or the next day. If you have joint pain, you should complete the training and consult a doctor.

Burning. This is another type of lactic acid pain. This substance is a metabolite of the glycolysis process and from a physiological point of view, this is a normal process. The burning sensation disappears immediately after the blood flushes lactic acid from the muscle tissue. You may not put much emphasis on these painful feelings.

Muscles ache
Muscles ache

How do prevent post-workout muscles ache pain?

It is almost impossible to eliminate muscle pain completely after training. They become more and more powerful as time goes on. At the same time, you can apply some rules by changing your approach to training instead of feeling uncomfortable pain better.

  • Do not rush to increase the load and increase your workload by 2 or 2.5 kilos weekly.
  • It is important that you master the technique of all exercises as well as possible.
  • Always warm-up at the beginning of a meeting.
  • If you are very tired, it is better to skip the training.
  • During the meeting, you should drink at least a liter of water.
  • Sleep at least eight hours a day.

And here are some tips for those who want to know what to do if their muscles hurt after exercise:

  • After training, you should massage to increase blood flow.
  • Perform recovery with 50 percent of your maximum weight in 15 to 20 repetitions. This can improve your exercise routine and develop nerve muscles.
  • Remember the importance of cooling off after the general meeting and do not ignore this training element.
  • Make the right nutrition plan.
  • Give your body enough time to rest. If the pain in the muscles is very strong, then skip the exercise.
  • Go to the bathhouse or sauna, which will have a very positive effect on the condition of the muscles.

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