What is a treadmill called?

A treadmill is a popular exercise machine used for walking, jogging, or running while staying in one place. It typically consists of a moving belt on which the user can walk or run and is often equipped with various features such as adjustable speeds, incline settings, and digital displays for tracking workout metrics. Treadmills are widely used in homes and gyms for cardiovascular exercise, weight loss, and fitness training. They offer a convenient way to exercise indoors and can be particularly useful in inclement weather or for those who prefer the privacy and convenience of working out at home.

What is treadmill used for?

A treadmill is primarily used for aerobic exercise and has several purposes:

  • Cardiovascular Fitness: It helps improve heart health and endurance. Regular use can strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, and improve circulation.
  • Weight Loss and Management: Treadmills are effective for burning calories, which can aid in weight loss and weight management.
  • Running and Walking: They offer a convenient way to walk or run indoors, which is especially useful in bad weather or unsafe outdoor conditions.
  • Training and Conditioning: Athletes often use treadmills for training and conditioning, especially when outdoor conditions are not favorable.
  • Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy: Treadmills are commonly used in rehabilitation programs to help patients recover from injuries, surgeries, or to improve mobility in a controlled environment.
  • Monitoring Fitness Levels: Modern treadmills often come with digital monitors that track fitness metrics like distance, time, calories burned, heart rate, and pace, helping users to monitor and adjust their workouts.
  • Mental Health Benefits: Exercise on a treadmill can also boost mental health by releasing endorphins, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Customizable Workouts: Treadmills allow users to customize their workout by adjusting speed, incline, and sometimes even following pre-set workout programs for varied and challenging exercise routines.

Overall, treadmills are versatile exercise machines suitable for individuals of varying fitness levels and are beneficial for both physical and mental health.

How good of a treadmill do I need?

The quality of treadmill you need depends on several factors, including your fitness goals, budget, available space, and how frequently you plan to use it. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Usage Frequency and Intensity:

  • Casual or Light Use: If you plan to use the treadmill for walking or light jogging, a basic model with a less powerful motor (around 2.0 CHP) might suffice.
  • Regular Running: For regular running, look for a treadmill with a stronger motor (2.5 to 3.0 CHP), a sturdier frame, and a longer, wider belt for comfort and safety.
  • Intensive Training: If you’re training for events or doing intensive workouts, opt for a commercial-grade treadmill with a high-performance motor (3.5 CHP or more), advanced cushioning, and more robust construction.


  • Economical Models: Less expensive treadmills might have fewer features and a less powerful motor, but can be adequate for walking or light jogging.
  • Mid-Range: Mid-range models often offer a good balance of durability, features, and power for the average user.
  • High-End: If budget is not a concern, high-end treadmills offer the best in terms of durability, features, technology, and comfort.


  • Basic Features: Essential features might include adjustable speed, incline settings, basic workout programs, and a heart rate monitor.
  • Advanced Features: More expensive models may include touchscreens, a wide range of programs, internet connectivity, app integration, advanced cushioning systems, and customizable user profiles.

Size and Space:

  • Consider the space you have available. Some treadmills are foldable, making them a good choice for smaller spaces.

Warranty and Customer Support:

  • A good warranty (especially on the motor and frame) and reliable customer support are important, particularly for more expensive models.

Personal Comfort and Safety:

  • Test the treadmill if possible to ensure it feels comfortable and secure. Look for features like an emergency stop button for safety.

User Weight Capacity:

  • Ensure the treadmill can comfortably support the weight of all potential users.

The “right” treadmill for you should align with your exercise habits, comfort preferences, and budget. If you’re unsure, it might be helpful to visit a fitness equipment store to try out different models or consult with a fitness professional.

Is 30 minutes of treadmill a day enough?

Yes, 30 minutes on the treadmill each day can be sufficient for achieving various health benefits, depending on your fitness goals, intensity of the workout, and overall lifestyle. Here’s how 30 minutes on the treadmill can be beneficial:

  • Cardiovascular Health: Regular aerobic exercise, like using a treadmill, is great for heart health. It strengthens the heart, improves circulation, and can reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Weight Management: A 30-minute workout can help burn calories, which is crucial for weight loss or maintenance. The number of calories burned depends on the intensity of the workout and individual factors like weight and metabolism.
  • Mental Health Benefits: Regular exercise, even for 30 minutes, can boost mood, reduce stress, and help with anxiety and depression by releasing endorphins.
  • Building Stamina and Endurance: Consistent daily exercise improves overall fitness, building stamina and endurance over time.
  • Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure Control: Regular physical activity can help manage or prevent conditions like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
  • Flexibility in Intensity: You can adjust the intensity to meet your fitness level. Alternating between walking, jogging, and running or using incline features can make your workouts more effective.
  • Consistency Over Duration: It’s often more beneficial to exercise regularly for shorter periods than to have longer sessions that are infrequent.

However, individual fitness goals might require different approaches. For example:

  • General Health: The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week for adults. This can be easily met with 30 minutes a day, five times a week.
  • Weight Loss: More intense or prolonged exercise might be necessary for significant weight loss, combined with dietary changes.
  • Building Muscle or Advanced Fitness Goals: Specific training programs and possibly longer workout sessions might be required.

Always consider your personal fitness level and any medical conditions you might have, and consult with a healthcare professional or a fitness trainer for personalized advice.

Which treadmill brand is the best?

The “best” treadmill brand can vary based on individual needs, preferences, and budget. However, several brands are consistently recognized for their quality, durability, and range of features. Here are some well-regarded treadmill brands as of my last update in November 2023:

NordicTrack: Known for high-quality treadmills with powerful motors, extensive features, and interactive training options through iFit.

ProForm: Offers treadmills with good cushioning, strong motors, and interactive training options. They are often more affordable than NordicTrack while maintaining quality.

Life Fitness: A favorite in many commercial gyms, Life Fitness treadmills are durable and designed for heavy use. They tend to be on the higher end of the price spectrum.

Precor: Offers high-end commercial and residential treadmills known for their durability and advanced shock absorption technology.

Sole Fitness: Renowned for treadmills with powerful motors and excellent warranties, Sole treadmills are a good choice for serious runners.

Horizon Fitness: Known for producing reliable, budget-friendly treadmills. They are a great option for casual runners and those looking for a basic, no-frills machine.

Bowflex: Offers innovative treadmills with unique features like the ability to act as a standard treadmill and a stair stepper/hiking simulator.

Peloton: Popular for their interactive live classes and community features, though their treadmills tend to be premium-priced.

When choosing a treadmill, consider the following factors:

  • Budget: Prices vary greatly among brands and models.
  • Intended Use: Determine whether the treadmill is for walking, jogging, running, or intense training.
  • Space: Some treadmills are foldable, saving space in your home.
  • Features: Look for features that are important to you, like workout programs, heart rate monitors, and interactive training options.
  • Warranty: A good warranty can provide peace of mind and indicate the manufacturer’s confidence in their product.

It’s also a good idea to read current reviews and possibly test treadmills in a store before making a decision, as models and reputations can change over time.

Benefits of using the treadmill

Using a treadmill offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Cardiovascular Health: Regular use of a treadmill strengthens the heart, improves blood circulation, and can help reduce the risk of heart disease. It’s an effective way to increase cardiovascular endurance.
  • Weight Loss and Management: Treadmills are excellent for burning calories, which is vital for weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight. The intensity of the workout can be adjusted to suit individual fitness goals.
  • Convenience and Accessibility: Treadmills provide a simple and accessible way to exercise, regardless of weather conditions or time constraints. They are ideal for people who prefer the privacy and convenience of an indoor workout.
  • Joint Flexibility: Regular walking or running on a treadmill can help improve joint flexibility and is generally easier on the joints compared to running on hard outdoor surfaces.
  • Mental Health Benefits: Exercise on a treadmill can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, enhancing overall mental well-being. This is partly due to the release of endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones.
  • Customizable Workout Routines: Treadmills offer various settings to tailor workouts to individual needs, including adjustable speeds, inclines, and pre-set programs for varied and challenging exercises.
  • Safe and Controlled Environment: Exercising on a treadmill is often safer than outdoor running, especially in terms of avoiding traffic, uneven surfaces, and adverse weather conditions.
  • Monitoring and Tracking Progress: Modern treadmills often feature digital monitors that track workout metrics such as distance, time, calories burned, and heart rate, allowing users to monitor their progress and adjust their routines accordingly.
  • Improving Muscle Tone: Regular treadmill use can help tone and strengthen the muscles in the legs and lower body, particularly when using the incline feature.
  • Consistent Exercise Routine: Having a treadmill at home can encourage a more consistent exercise routine, as it eliminates many of the common barriers to regular exercise.
  • Suitable for All Fitness Levels: Treadmills cater to all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes, making them a versatile option for a wide range of users.

Remember, while treadmills are beneficial, it’s important to use them correctly and safely. Beginners should start slowly to build endurance and prevent injury, and it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, especially for individuals with pre-existing health conditions.

Disadvantages of treadmill

While treadmills offer numerous benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

  • Monotony: Running or walking on a treadmill can become monotonous, especially when compared to the changing scenery and varied terrain of outdoor exercise.
  • Limited Natural Elements: Treadmill users miss out on the benefits of fresh air, sunlight, and natural landscapes, which can have additional mental and physical health benefits.
  • Space and Expense: Treadmills can be expensive, and they require sufficient space in your home. High-quality models, especially those built for running, can be a significant investment and occupy a considerable amount of room.
  • Impact on Joints: While generally better for the joints than running on hard pavement, using a treadmill still involves some degree of impact on knees, hips, and ankles. This can be a concern for people with joint issues or injuries.
  • Less Challenging Terrain: Treadmills provide a flat and predictable surface, which can be less challenging than outdoor terrain. Even with incline settings, they can’t fully replicate outdoor conditions like wind resistance, varying surfaces, or natural inclines.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Treadmills require regular maintenance, and repairs can be costly if something goes wrong. The belt may need periodic alignment or replacement, and the motor and other components can wear out over time.
  • Safety Concerns: There is a risk of injury if a user loses balance or trips while using a treadmill. This is especially a concern for beginners, children, older adults, or those with mobility issues.
  • Electricity Use: Motorized treadmills consume electricity, adding to your energy bills, and they require proximity to an electrical outlet.
  • Limited Full-Body Workout: Treadmills primarily focus on cardio and lower-body strength. They don’t provide the full-body workout that other forms of exercise, like swimming or cycling, can offer.
  • Overuse Injuries: Using a treadmill extensively, especially without proper form or footwear, can lead to overuse injuries such as shin splints, knee pain, or stress fractures.

It’s important to balance treadmill workouts with other forms of exercise and activities to address these potential disadvantages. Additionally, users should ensure they follow safety guidelines and maintain proper form to minimize the risk of injury.

What is a treadmill called?
What is a treadmill called?

Types of treadmill

Treadmills come in various types, each catering to different preferences, fitness goals, and usage scenarios. Here’s a breakdown of the primary types of treadmills:

  1. Manual Treadmills

How They Work: Powered by the user’s movement; the belt only moves when the user walks or runs on it.

Benefits: Typically more affordable, require no electricity, and can be smaller and more portable.

Best For: Light walking or jogging, budget-conscious users, and those with limited space.

  1. Motorized Treadmills

How They Work: Equipped with a motor that moves the belt, allowing for a range of speeds.

Benefits: Offer a smoother experience, variable speeds, and often come with more features like incline settings and workout programs.

Best For: Regular runners, those seeking a more extensive range of workout options, and users who prefer a consistent belt speed.

  1. Folding Treadmills

How They Work: Can be folded up for storage, making them space-efficient. Can be either manual or motorized.

Benefits: Ideal for small spaces, easy to store when not in use.

Best For: Users with limited space, such as small apartments or shared spaces.

  1. Commercial Treadmills

How They Work: Designed for heavy use in gyms and fitness centers, these are robust and have powerful motors.

Benefits: Highly durable, offer advanced features, larger running area, and are built for intensive use.

Best For: Gyms, hotels, and serious athletes who require a high-endurance machine for frequent use.

  1. Incline Treadmills

How They Work: Specifically designed to offer an incline feature, which simulates uphill walking or running.

Benefits: Great for muscle building, increased calorie burn, and enhanced cardiovascular workout.

Best For: Users looking to intensify their workout, target different muscle groups, or train for hilly terrain.

  1. Desk Treadmills

How They Work: Typically a walking treadmill without handles, designed to fit under a standing desk.

Benefits: Enables users to walk while working, promoting activity in a typically sedentary environment.

Best For: Office workers or those who work from home and want to stay active during the day.

  1. Curved Treadmills

How They Work: Non-motorized treadmills with a curved running surface, powered by the user’s footsteps.

Benefits: Promote a more natural running posture and are said to increase energy expenditure.

Best For: High-intensity interval training (HIIT), athletes, and those looking for a more challenging and ergonomically beneficial workout.

Each type of treadmill has its unique advantages and is suited for different user needs. When choosing a treadmill, consider your fitness goals, the space you have available, your budget, and the specific features that are most important to you.

Description of size and weight for treadmill

When discussing the size and weight of a treadmill, several specific aspects are typically considered to ensure it fits well in the intended space and can be accommodated in terms of weight capacity and portability. Here’s a detailed description:


  • Dimensions: The physical space the treadmill occupies, usually measured in length, width, and height. For example, a typical home treadmill might be around 70 inches long, 35 inches wide, and 60 inches high. The size can vary significantly between compact, foldable models and larger, commercial-grade machines.
  • Running Surface Area: The size of the belt or the deck where you run or walk. It’s crucial for comfort and safety. A larger running surface is preferable for running, especially for taller individuals or those with a longer stride.
  • Folded Dimensions: For foldable treadmills, the dimensions when the machine is folded up for storage are important. This feature is beneficial for saving space when the treadmill is not in use.


  • Unit Weight: This is the weight of the treadmill itself. It can range from around 60 pounds (27 kg) for a light, portable model to over 300 pounds (136 kg) for a heavy-duty, commercial-grade machine. The weight of the treadmill affects its stability and portability.
  • Weight Capacity: Refers to the maximum user weight the treadmill can safely support. This is a critical safety feature and can range from about 250 pounds (113 kg) to 500 pounds (227 kg) or more. Choosing a treadmill with an appropriate weight capacity for the user is essential.
  • Transportability: Some treadmills come with wheels or other features to aid in moving them. The weight of the treadmill can influence how easily it can be moved.

Considerations for Space and Use

  • Home Space: Measure the area where you plan to place the treadmill to ensure it fits comfortably, with extra space for safety.
  • Ceiling Height: Remember to consider the height of the treadmill, especially if it has an incline feature, and compare it to the ceiling height in the room where it will be used.
  • Stability: Heavier treadmills tend to be more stable, which is an important consideration for intense workouts or for heavier users.

When choosing a treadmill, it’s important to consider both the size and weight in relation to the available space, the user’s body weight, and the type of exercise (walking, jogging, running) it will be used for.

Examples of treadmill

When considering examples of treadmills, they can be categorized based on their features, intended use, and price range. Here are some examples, representing a variety of types:

Basic or Entry-Level Treadmills

Weslo Cadence G 5.9 Treadmill: Ideal for beginners or light use. Offers basic features like adjustable incline, heart rate monitoring, and a selection of preset workout programs.

Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill: A budget-friendly option with essential features like adjustable speeds, a modest-sized running deck, and a simple LCD display.

Mid-Range Treadmills

NordicTrack T Series Treadmills: These offer more powerful motors, larger running surfaces, and interactive training options via iFit subscriptions.

ProForm SMART Pro 2000: Provides a strong motor, a wide range of incline settings, and interactive training sessions.

High-End or Commercial-Grade Treadmills

Life Fitness Club Series+: A gym-quality treadmill known for its durability, advanced cushioning, and extensive workout programs.

Precor TRM 835: A top-tier commercial treadmill featuring advanced shock absorption, a powerful motor, and a variety of workout options.

Folding Treadmills

Horizon Fitness T101: Known for being easy to fold and store, it’s a good choice for small spaces while still offering robust features for its price range.

Sole F80: A foldable treadmill that doesn’t compromise on power or features, suitable for serious runners.

Specialized Treadmills

Peloton Tread: Popular for its interactive live classes and high-quality build, appealing to those who enjoy a community aspect in their workouts.

Bowflex BXT216: Known for its advanced technology features, including Bluetooth connectivity and a detailed performance tracking system.

Treadmills for Specific Needs

Assault Fitness AirRunner: A non-motorized, curved treadmill that’s powered by the user’s running motion, ideal for high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Exerpeutic TF1000 Ultra High Capacity Walk to Fitness Electric Treadmill: Designed specifically for walking, with a high weight capacity and extended handles for safety.

Each of these examples caters to different user needs, from casual walking to intense running, and includes various features to accommodate different fitness levels, space requirements, and budgets. When choosing a treadmill, it’s important to consider your specific fitness goals, space limitations, and desired features.

A Chart table for treadmill

Creating a chart table for treadmills involves categorizing different types of treadmills and listing their key features, benefits, and potential best uses. Here’s a simple chart to help you understand the differences:

Type of Treadmill Key Features Benefits Best For
Manual No motor, belt moves with the user’s steps Cost-effective, no electricity needed, often more compact Light exercise, budget-conscious users, small spaces
Motorized Powered by an electric motor, adjustable speeds Smooth, consistent belt movement, more features (e.g., incline) Regular runners, varied workouts
Folding Can be folded for storage Space-saving, can be stored easily Small living spaces, occasional use
Commercial Sturdy build, high endurance, powerful motor Durable, suitable for intensive use, advanced features Gyms, fitness centers, heavy use
Incline Ability to adjust incline level Intensifies workouts targets different muscle groups Training for hilly terrain, increased calorie burn
Desk Designed to fit under a desk, usually without handles Allows walking while working, promotes activity Office use, home workers
Curved Non-motorized, curved surface Encourages natural running form, higher energy expenditure HIIT workouts, athletic training

This chart is a general guide. Specific models may have additional features or variations. When selecting a treadmill, it’s also important to consider other factors like warranty, user weight capacity, size of the treadmill, and your personal fitness goals.

List of worldwide top 10, treadmill Manufacturing companies

I did a quick search for more information and here’s what I discovered.

As of 2023, some of the top treadmill manufacturers worldwide include:

  • Cybex International, Inc.
  • Woodway USA
  • Octane Fitness
  • Precor
  • NordicTrack
  • Life Fitness
  • Sole Fitness
  • Horizon Fitness
  • ProForm
  • Bowflex

Each of these brands offers a range of treadmills catering to different needs, from residential to commercial use. Their products are known for quality, durability, and innovative features. For more detailed information and to explore their product ranges, you can visit their respective websites.


Treadmills are versatile exercise machines beneficial for cardiovascular health, weight management, and improving overall fitness. They offer the convenience of indoor workouts with customizable settings to suit various fitness levels. While providing a safe, controlled environment for walking, jogging, or running, treadmills can sometimes be monotonous and require space and maintenance. Choosing the right treadmill involves considering factors like usage, size, features, and budget. Different types cater to specific needs, from basic manual models to high-end, feature-rich options. Overall, treadmills are a practical choice for consistent and adaptable exercise routines.


For detailed information on treadmills, including their types, benefits, and top manufacturers, you can refer to TreadmillReviews.net. This website provides comprehensive reviews, comparisons, and insights on various treadmill brands and models, helping users make informed decisions based on their specific needs and preferences.

Reference: TreadmillReviews.net

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about treadmill

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about treadmills:

What are the health benefits of using a treadmill?

Treadmills are excellent for cardiovascular health, weight loss, and improving endurance and muscle tone.

How long should I use a treadmill for effective results?

It varies based on fitness goals, but 30 minutes a day is often recommended for general health.

Can using a treadmill help with weight loss?

Yes, treadmills are effective for burning calories, which aids in weight loss.

What’s the difference between a manual and a motorized treadmill?

Manual treadmills are powered by the user’s motion, while motorized treadmills have an electric motor that moves the belt.

How do I choose the right treadmill for my home?

Consider factors like the treadmill’s size, features, motor power, and your fitness goals.

Is a treadmill suitable for all fitness levels?

Yes, treadmills can be used by beginners to advanced athletes, with adjustments in speed and incline.

What maintenance does a treadmill require?

Regular cleaning, belt alignment checks, and lubrication are common maintenance tasks.

Can treadmills cause injuries?

If not used properly or without safety features, treadmills can pose injury risks.

Are folding treadmills good for small spaces?

Yes, folding treadmills are designed to save space and are suitable for smaller areas.

How much does a good treadmill cost?

The price can vary widely, from budget-friendly options to high-end models.





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