Brain and bodybuilding training

Brain and bodybuilding training

Brain and bodybuilding training; how are they interconnected? Many athletes underestimate the importance of the brain-muscle connection during exercise. However, this is an essential factor in the success of your training. The fact that sports activities contribute to the improvement of the whole organism is already known to everyone. After numerous studies, we can confidently … Read more

Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises; how to do? To prevent injury during exercise, you should do a good warm-up. Today we will focus on stretching exercises. The primary purpose of the warm-up is to prepare the muscles for heavy loads. If your muscles are “cold,” they can easily get injured, and you won’t be able to “give your … Read more

Myth: 5 myths about nutrition and exercise

Myth about nutrition and exercise

Myth: what about? There is a lot of information about nutrition and training for athletes, but it is often contradictory. Check out five myths about food and exercise. You’ve probably come across much conflicting information about nutrition and training. For this reason, it isn’t easy to separate truth from fiction. Today we are going to … Read more

Pre-workout: CrossFit pre-workout complexes


Pre-workout; what are the best supplements for cross fitters? Today use pre-workout supplements. Find out if you should be taking these supplements before a hard workout. If you enjoy reading specialist magazines, you have probably seen many sports supplements. All of them can be bought in sporting goods stores, many of which now exist. Marketers … Read more

Compression clothing: What is compression clothing good for?

Compression clothing

Compression clothing, what are the benefits? Today, many athletes wear compression garments during their performances. Find out if you should buy such unique clothes for training or not. You’ve probably noticed that athletes often wear tight clothing when watching competitions in various sports. It’s called compression, and you may already have such a kit, or … Read more

When cardio: At the beginning or end of the workout?

When cardio

When cardio; is part of every fitness professional’s training plan. When is it more helpful? Find out when to use cardio more effectively. The need for aerobic exercise for athletes has already been established. Every exerciser should have a place for cardio in their training program. But now, another controversy has arisen about when to … Read more