When cardio; is part of every fitness professional’s training plan. When is it more helpful? Find out when to use cardio more effectively. The need for aerobic exercise for athletes has already been established. Every exerciser should have a place for cardio in their training program. But now, another controversy has arisen about when to do cardio: at the beginning or the end of the exercise? Of course, the question is relevant and entirely correct. The effectiveness of training is a significant indicator. Since the need for electrocardiography has been scientifically proven, it is necessary to find out at what time it is possible to get a more powerful effect from this type of stress.
Now there are two camps; representatives of one are confident that aerobic training is needed before strength training begins, and athletes who go to the second use cardio in the final stage of training. To fully understand this issue, you need to turn to research.
Studies on the effects of electrocardiography
During the experiment, continuous and used interval training (running 5 kilometers) and anaerobic training (leg press and bench press). There were four test periods in total. The first two used continuous running for a distance of 5 kilometers, as well as anaerobic exercise with maximum weight and the weight of 80 percent of the worker.
Also, the remaining two exercises used cardio stress in the form of running at a distance of 5 kilometers with a work-rest ratio of 1: 1. Anaerobic training was similar to the first two sessions.
Upper body and cardio
None of the tests showed a reduction in endurance and strength in the upper trunk muscles after electrocardiography.
Legs and cardio
Cardiovascular training significantly reduced leg muscle endurance but did not affect their strength. In contrast, continuous aerobic exercise did not affect either indicator of strength or endurance.
Thus, it can argue that continuous electrocardiography does not affect the legs and upper body muscles. On the other hand, when the same cardio exercises are performed, the same motor units are involved in the work, thereby causing the accumulation of a large number of metabolites.
If the intensity of the cardio exercise is high, muscle energy is obtained through glycolysis. The metabolites in this process create an acidic environment, which subsequently hurts indicators of muscle endurance. However, these studies are not enough to decide when to do an electrocardiogram: at the beginning or the end of the exercise? To find the answer, it is necessary to turn to practical experience.
The benefits of cardio for strength training
By increasing the working weight, the muscles will be warmed up and better prepared to work with the new weight due to aerobic exercise. In turn, this will increase the intensity of the training. In addition, cardio will help increase endurance.
Of course, there are positive aspects to using aerobic stress for strength training; perhaps the main one can be seen as muscle preparation for stress.
Benefits of cardio after strength training
When the cardio is high enough for strength training, energy reserves can be depleted, negatively affecting the main activity’s intensity. In bodybuilding, the last methods are the most effective for the growth of muscle tissue, which in this case cannot be strong enough.
Aerobic exercise also helps to speed up the burning of fat and carbohydrates, which will also not increase the intensity of strength training. In addition, it is commonly believed that after you stop strength training, a lot of blood accumulates in the lower body. It is due to the weakening of the cardiovascular system during strength training.
Conversely, circulation will improve much faster if the muscles continue to work in a “gentler” mode. Thus, it can state that due to the use of a treadmill or an exercise bike in the last phase of the exercise, the activity of the muscles gradually decreases, which will positively affect the restoration of blood circulation.

Cardio before or after strength training
As you can see from everything written above, it is difficult to categorically answer the question – of when to do cardio: at the beginning or the end of the training; it is pretty tricky. In both cases, there are positive and negative points.
There are perhaps three ways to use cardio in bodybuilding:
- The first can be used by athletes whose goal is to build mass. In this case, an electrocardiogram will be helpful at the beginning of the exercise.
- The second option is suitable if you need to tone your muscles or get rid of excess weight. Should give an aerobic load at the beginning of the lesson for strength exercises.
- A third option is to mix aerobic and strength exercises on different days. This way of using electrocardiography also seems promising.
In conclusion, I want to give another opinion on when to do cardio: at the beginning or the end of the training? Some athletes use cardio, both at the beginning and at the end of a workout. In this case, moderate aerobic activity is expected for 5 to 15 minutes. This approach also seems nice. Due to the low intensity of aerobic exercise, the athlete will be able to warm up the muscles before strength training and play the role of warm-up. Once completed, cardio will help restore circulation and gradually reduce muscle activity.